Cito direttamente dal sito di skype. Accettando la licenza d'uso di skype, si accetta anche questo:
What Resources Do We Use and How Do We Use Them?
During the course of using Skype Software, disk space, bandwidth and processing power may be utilized to provide the Skype services to you and to communicate with other Skype users. From time-to-time your computer may become a Supernode. A Supernode is a computer running Skype Software that has been automatically elevated to act as a hub. Supernodes may assist in helping other users to communicate or use the Skype software efficiently. This may include the ability for your computer to help anonymously and securely facilitate communications between other users of the Skype Software who, due to network and firewall constraints, cannot establish direct connections. The system has been designed so that being a Supernode will not interfere with the normal operations of your computer.
How Do We Protect Your Data, Information, and Resources?
Skyper uses industrial strength technology to protect the data on your computer, any information you provide to us, and to protect the use of your computer resources. The data contained in your public profile is protected and can only be shared to other users if you chose to make such information public in the software settings. Passive Information you provide is stored only temporarily on secure databases and only in anonymous aggregate form unless required to provide billing information to Subscribers or to verify the integrity of your identity by Skype software or to comply with local laws or regulations. Your computer resources can not be accessed by any third party through Skype Software.
Software Installation
Skyper Software is installed on computers with an installer downloaded from or in combination with other software or web sites. Skype Services may also be provided through other applications that utilize the Skype Software. These applications are required to display the Skype End User License Agreement before the Software is installed. You can uninstall the Skype Software from the standard Windows Control Panel at any time.
Software Updates
The Skype Software contains update functionality. This enables the Software to determine that there is a newer version available, which has improved or new functionality and/or bug fixes. You will be asked for your permission before an update is performed unless you have specifically authorized Skyper Limited to automatically update your software without notification. The Software may however update non-program files from time to time without asking the user. These updates are only used to update file indices, configurations and other non-critical objects. These updates only pertains to executable files.
No part of this Software is directed to children. We will never knowingly collect information from users under the age of 13.
Delete/Deactivation Policy
If you wish to delete any personal Information you submitted to Skyper Limited., you may do so by contacting us at We will notify you of our receipt of your request. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to functionally delete all such information (excluding any information necessary in order to detect fraudulent use) from our database within fifteen working days from the date of the receipt of your request. Please note that it may be impossible to delete a user's entry without some residual Information because of backups and records of deletions. Skype reserves the right not to delete information in order to comply with applicable local laws or regulations.
Il mondo è bello perchè è vario, ed io sono libero di usare il software che voglio, o almeno vorrei cercare di essere più libero possibile. Gnomemeeting non è affatto male come software sapete?
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